Tikrapara police on Monday produced all three thieves from Meerut in the court following completion of their police custody remand. However all three were sent to further police custody remand till December 16 as they had confessed of committing thirteen more thefts in Raipur and Bhilai during their last three visits to the city. Twelve of these thefts were committed in Raipur whereas the final one was committed in Bhilai’s Nehru Nagar area under Supela police station area.
Talking to media on Monday evening, ASP (Crime) Ajatshatru Bahadur Singh said that police has obtained further police custody remand of all three thieves from Merrut till December 16 and during this duration they will in custody of Telibandha police as they had committed three thefts under this police station area during their past three visits to the city between July 2013 and February 2014. Apart from these three thefts in Telibandha police station area, the gang had committed two thefts each in Amanaka, Devendra Nagar and Tikrapara police station areas and one each in Pandri, Civil Lines and Khamtarai police station areas.
He further informed that arrested thieves Rashid and Imran were the main members of this gang, and like Shahnawaz Khan accompanying them on this occasion, the duo were accompanied by Mahroof on two occasions and Rohit Kumar on one occasion. Both of them are also resident of the same village in Merrut alike the arrested three. While Mahroof is presently stated to be in custody of New Delhi police, there has been no trace of Rohit Kumar, added the ASP. He clarified that this information has been provided to him by Merrut police who were contacted for locating them.
On being asked about the recovery in the new dozen odd thefts confessed by the arrested thieves, the ASP said that Rashid and Imran have told names of two Merrut based jewelers to whom they had sold the stolen ornaments and hence a police team will be leaving for Merrut on Tuesday with both Imran and Rashid for recovering those ornaments.
On being asked whether these thieves were staying put in the same dormitory during their past visits to the city, the ASP informed that on their third visit to the city, they had stayed at the same place but prior to that they were staying at the house of a scrap dealer residing in Kota area as he too was a native of the same village in Merrut from where they belongs to. However that scrap dealer has left Raipur long back and his present whereabouts are not known, moreover, he was not aware of the motive of these thieves, added the ASP. Before concluding the ASP stated that the modus operandi of these thieves had been same in all the past thefts and all were committed during the day time only.