IGP (Raipur Range) GP Singh on Monday declared a cash reward of Rs 30000 to seven members of Central Crime Branch and a constable from Ganj police station for their commendable effort in tracing the three thieves of Meerut and arresting them as well along with making a recovery of cash and goods worth Rs 1.05 crore.
It should be recalled that Central Crime Branch on Sunday had arrested three thieves from Meerut in connection of three big thefts in the city since November 25 and had successfully recovered from them cash Rs 72.45 lakh, 50 tolas of gold and diamond jewelries, 1 kg silver jewelries and many other valuables, all totalling to Rs 1.05 crore.
With the thefts being committed in Tagore Nagar and Bajaj Colony on November 25 and the final theft in Samata Colony on November 27, entire capital police was shook to its core but some pin-point investigation and prompt decisions to pursue with the obtained leads helped police in cracking all three big thefts even before the thieves could reach their houses after succeeding in escaping out of the city.
The police team receiving this cash reward from the IGP comprises of inspector Sanjay Singh, sub inspector Kalim Khan, constables Sarfaraz Chisti, Pradeep Patel, Radhakant Pandey, Mahendra Rajput, Ravikant Pandey, all from Central Crime Branch and constable Sandeep Dixit from Ganj police station.