Unidentified thieves on Friday once again struck in daytime in a locked house in Samata Colony and decamped with cash and ornaments worth Rs 75 lakh. The theft was committed within an hour and half only as it was this duration only during which there was no one in the house. Saraswati Nagar police has registered an offence in this regard and is now investigating the matter further in association with Central Crime Branch.
According to police, house owner Vijay Agrawal who is a rice miller had been to the market for about an hour and half between 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. during which this theft took place. All his family members had earlier left for Durg for participating in a marriage ceremony over there.
On his return back to the house, Vijay found that the lock placed on the boundary gate was safe and intact which he opened and stepped into the porch where he was stunned to find that the lock placed on the main entrance of the house was missing at all. He immediately rushed into the house to find that everything inside has been ransacked completely and the almirah kept in the lone room in ground floor was also open and cash Rs 70 lakh kept in it was missing.
He then went to the rooms in the first floor where again the situation was similar to that in the ground floor and all the almirahs were opened from which the thieves had taken away all the ornaments. Preliminary calculation of the stolen ornaments has been valued to about Rs 5 lakh and as such the total theft is reported to be of Rs 75 lakh approximately. Sources added that there is every chance that the total value of this theft will be much higher than being calculated at present.
Meanwhile when the incident was reported to Saraswati Nagar police station, a patrolling team immediately rushed to the spot and they were soon followed in by a team of Central Crime Branch. Soon finger print experts and dog squad also reached the spot and an intense inspection of the entire vicinity was conducted but no substantial clue was obtained of whatsoever type. ASP (Crime) Ajatshatru Bahadur Singh also visited the spot and he too undertook a minute inspection of the entire house and the adjacent blocks. On spotting renovation work being underway in the house situated just back to Vijay Agrawal’s house, he directed Crime Branch sleuths to interrogate several of the labours anticipating that someone from them might have seen any suspicious person entering into the house. However that exercise too turned futile as none of the labourers interrogated had reportedly seen anyone suspicious in Agrawal's house.
More drama happened at the spot within an hour of this theft coming to light with police intercepting an i20 car and recovering cash Rs 28.10 lakh from it. It was soon found that the car belongs to neighbour Roshan Agrawal and the occupants in that vehicle were his wife and son Vipul who were carrying Rs 28.10 lakh stuffed in two bags somewhere which is yet a mystery for police. It was the hurried manner of the duo in which they were trying to move out of the area in their car that caught attention of the crowd gathered there and it was immediately reported to police who took no time in chasing the car and intercepting it within few meters away. With neither of them being able to tell the exact source of that large sum of money, both were taken to police station for further interrogation but before that could have started a team of Income Tax (IT) officers descended at the police station and sought permission for interrogating the mother-son duo about the cash they were possessing. The interrogation was still continuing when reports last came in and the only thing that was made clear with respect to this seizure is that Roshan Agrawal is very big trader and the cash his wife and son were carrying was a nominal amount considering his known assets.